Mosby's Pediatric Nursing Reference: 6ed


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Mosby's Pediatric Nursing Reference: 6ed

This one-of-a-kind resource equips you with detailed information on commonly encountered pediatric diseases, medical and surgical conditions, and disorders, with separate sections devoted to diagnostic tests, outpatient procedures, and surgeries.

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NPR 7,169.00

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  • Pages 960
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Mosby's Pediatric Nursing Reference: 6ed

Provide the best possible nursing care to children and their families, no matter what their condition. This one-of-a-kind resource equips you with detailed information on commonly encountered pediatric diseases, medical and surgical conditions, and disorders, with separate sections devoted to diagnostic tests, outpatient procedures, and surgeries. Its compact, A-to-Z format is designed for ease of use in busy settings - perfect for quick reference when working with patients!

  • Portable size and straightforward, alphabetical organization are designed for quick, convenient, on-the-spot reference.
  • Consistent format throughout lets you easily locate necessary information, including pathophysiology, incidence, clinical manifestations, complications, laboratory and diagnostic tests, medical or surgical management, nursing assessment, diagnoses, and interventions, discharge planning and home care instructions, client outcomes, and references.
  • The book is divided into three main parts covering 87 medical and surgical conditions, 12 topics related to diagnosis and procedures, and 16 helpful appendices.
  • New chapters address autism spectrum disorders, chronic lung disease of infancy, Type 2 Diabetes, Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, overweight and childhood obesity, and Turner Syndrome.
  • New appendices offer helpful information on mental health, non-accidental trauma, and palliative care.
  • Updated charts and references in the appendices - specifically growth charts and immunization information - reflect current practice.
  • Expanded content is provided on community resources.
Author Betz, Cecily
Pages 960
Year 2007
ISBN 9780323044967
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 6/e
Weight 670 g
Dimensions 17.35 x 18.65 x 3.23 cm
Binding Paperback
Imprint Mosby