Adams' Coding and Reimbursement: A Simplified Approach 4ed


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Adams' Coding and Reimbursement: A Simplified Approach 4ed

A Simplified Approach, 4th Edition looks at the big picture of medical billing and coding and shows how it fits into the physician reimbursement system

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  • Author
  • Pages
  • Pages 336
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Adams' Coding and Reimbursement: A Simplified Approach 4ed

Combining the basics of coding, insurance, and reimbursement in one concise text, Adams' Coding and Reimbursement: A Simplified Approach, 4th Edition looks at the big picture of medical billing and coding and shows how it fits into the physician reimbursement system. Clearly organized, full-color chapters guide you through the entire coding and claims process, detailing coding rules and applications, insurance guidelines, and the reimbursement system. Realistic, hands-on practice helps you apply what you've learned. Written by medical insurance, billing, and coding expert Wanda Adams, this edition includes the latest ICD-9-CM and CPT codes, a new chapter on HCPCS coding, and a new chapter preparing you for the 2013 transition to ICD-10-CM.Hybrid approach to coding and insurance shows how coding, claims submission, and reimbursement go hand in hand. Coding exercises teach you how to correctly code using the ICD-9-CM and CPT manuals. Coding Tips boxes highlight important information. Test Your Knowledge questions within each chapter help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and prepare for exams. Code It and Claim It! program on the companion Evolve website familiarizes you with a professional coding claim interface and provides practice with actual patient cases. NEW ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Coding chapter prepares you for the 2013 transition to ICD-10. NEW HCPCS Coding System chapter provides an overview of the HCPCS system and its applications. Coding exercises and examples include both ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes, in preparation for the 2013 transition to ICD-10.

Author Adams, Wanda
Pages 336
Year 2012
ISBN 9780323084345
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 1/e
Weight 660 g
Dimensions 21.59 x 27.64 x 2.01 cm
Binding Paperback
Imprint Mosby