Imaging in Pediatrics: 1ed


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Imaging in Pediatrics: 1ed

Uses easy-to-read, bulleted text to highlight the most important facts about each disorder and its associated etiology, imaging work-up, clinical manifestations ...

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NPR 12,198.00

  • Author
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  • Pages 424
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Imaging in Pediatrics: 1ed

Every page crafted by a collaborative team of pediatricians and pediatric radiologists, this unique title by Drs. A. Carlson Merrow, Jr. and Selena Hariharan is a practical, superbly illustrated reference designed specifically for today’s pediatrician. An ideal roadmap to the fast-changing landscape of diagnostic imaging tests, Imaging in Pediatrics not only guides you through the radiologic work-up of common pediatric disorders, but also translates the appearance and language of the work-up results for more effective communication between the pediatrician and the radiologist, resulting in enhanced understanding and better patient care.

  • Uses easy-to-read, bulleted text to highlight the most important facts about each disorder and its associated etiology, imaging work-up, clinical manifestations, and therapy.
  • Covers 248 diagnoses likely seen in practice, logically organized by anatomic region.
  • Helps you determine which studies to order and demonstrates and explains typical findings in accessible language.
  • Provides expanded coverage of key topics, including the imaging work-up of appendicitis that relies on ultrasound and MR over CT; new guidelines on vesicoureteral reflux and urinary tract infections; up-to-date recommendations on imaging in nonaccidental trauma, foreign body removal, and obesity-related diseases; revised nomenclature on pediatric lung diseases, vascular malformations, and neoplasms; and guidance on limiting the use of ionizing radiation in evaluating pediatric diseases.
  • Includes an imaging glossary, introductory prose chapters with general guidelines on imaging specific organ systems, and numerous illustrations depicting complex anatomic and pathologic relationships of individual entities.
Author Merrow, Jr., A. Carlson
Pages 424
Year 2017
ISBN 9780323477789
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 1/e
Weight 1.47 kg
Dimensions 22.23 x 28.58 x 5.08 cm
Binding Hardcover