Imaging Anatomy: Knee, Ankle, Foot: 2ed


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Imaging Anatomy: Knee, Ankle, Foot: 2ed

Designed to help you quickly learn or review normal anatomy and confirm variants, Imaging Anatomy: Knee, Ankle, Foot , by Dr. Julia R. Crim, provides detailed anatomic views of each major joint of the lower extremity.

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NPR 37,745.00

  • Author
  • Pages
  • Pages 624
  • Year
  • ISBN
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  • Edition
  • Weight
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Imaging Anatomy: Knee, Ankle, Foot: 2ed

Designed to help you quickly learn or review normal anatomy and confirm variants, Imaging Anatomy: Knee, Ankle, Foot , by Dr. Julia R. Crim, provides detailed anatomic views of each major joint of the lower extremity. Ultrasound and 3T MR images in each standard plane of imaging (axial, coronal, and sagittal) accompany highly accurate and detailed medical illustrations, assisting you in making an accurate diagnosis. Comprehensive coverage of the knee, ankle, and foot, combined with an orderly, easy-to-follow structure, make this unique title unmatched in its field.

  • Includes all relevant imaging modalities, 3D reconstructions, and highly accurate and detailed medical graphics that illustrate the fine points of the imaging anatomy
  • Depicts common anatomic variants (both osseous and soft tissue) and covers imaging pitfalls as a part of its comprehensive coverage
  • Enables any structure in the lower extremity to easily be located, identified, and tracked in any plane for a faster, more accurate diagnosis
  • Provides richly labeled images with associated commentary as well as scout images to assist in localization
  • Explains uniquely difficult functional or anatomical regions of the lower extremity, such as posterolateral corner of knee, ankle ligaments, ankle tendons, and nerves of the lower extremity
  • Presents coronal and axial planes as both the right and left legs, on facing pages, making ultrasound/MR correlation even easier
Author Crim, Julia R.
Pages 624
Year 2017
ISBN 9780323477802
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 2/e
Weight 2.11 kg
Dimensions 22.23 x 28.58 x 3.18 cm
Binding Hardcover