Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice 10ed


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Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice 10ed

Find out why this book is a student favorite! Providing a solid foundation in nursing research and evidence-based practice, Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 10th Edition offers balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand approach.

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  • Author
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  • Pages 520
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Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice 10ed

Find out why this book is a student favorite! Providing a solid foundation in nursing research and evidence-based practice, Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 10th Edition offers balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand approach. This edition features new content on trending topics, including the Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN), as well as improved usability, user-friendly learning aids, and full-text research articles to help you better understand how to apply research to everyday clinical practice.

  • Balanced coverage explores the nursing research process and the EBP process, as well as qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
  • User-friendly writing style and engaging learning aids throughout the text include full-text research examples, Helpful Hints, EBP Tips, IPE Highlights, Research Vignettes, Clinical Judgment Challenges, Critical Appraisal Criteria, and more!
  • Innovative format integrates examples from current, high-quality, relevant full-text research articles.
  • "All-star" team of contributors is a widely respected collection of experts in nursing research and EBP.
  • NEW and UPDATED! Full-text research articles, including a population health study and a quality improvement study, serve as foundational examples throughout the text and Research Vignettes illustrate the types of high-quality research and evidence-based practice (EBP) projects that are driving advances in nursing practice.
  • NEW! Content on trending topics includes:
  • Precision science and tailored healthcare based on evidence
  • Big data
  • Secondary analysis
  • Data collection using social media and technology
  • Focus groups
  • Descriptive qualitative methods
  • Genetics, genomics, and "omics"
  • Social determinants of health and population health
  • Healthy People 2030
  • The new U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health
  • The NIH funding roadmap
  • IPEC Core Competencies
  • The opioid crisis
  • HPV
  • NEW! Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN) content introduces the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model and includes Clinical Judgment Challenges in each chapter to help prepare students for the NGN.
  • NEW! Expanded coverage of the latest developments in the field includes:
  • Content on research methods (scoping, rapid realist, etc.) and guidelines (evidence- versus expert-based) other than meta-analysis.
  • Content on mixed-methods research that reflects the growing emphasis on mixed research methodologies.
  • Content on quality improvement (including the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators [NDNQI], magnet status, and the Triple Aim) that addresses the growing importance of evidence-based quality improvement initiatives in clinical settings.
  • NEW! Improved usability, with more illustrations, larger table type, increased use of bulleted text, enhanced readability, italicized in-text research examples for greater visibility, and better-aligned learning outcomes and chapter-ending key points make it easier for students to locate, understand, and retain information.
Author LoBiondo-Wood, Geri
Pages 520
Year 2021
ISBN 9780323762915
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 10/e
Weight 840 g
Dimensions 19 x 23.2 x 1.81 cm
Binding Paperback