Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook 4ed


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Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook 4ed

Known for its accuracy, consistency, and portability, Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook, 4th Edition teaches the unique range of skills that Nurse Practitioners and primary care providers need to assess children of all ages.

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  • Author
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  • Pages 416
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Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook 4ed

Known for its accuracy, consistency, and portability, Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook, 4th Edition teaches the unique range of skills that Nurse Practitioners and primary care providers need to assess children of all ages. Spiral-bound for quick reference in clinical settings, this photo-rich, step-by-step guide to physical examination prepares you to expertly examine children from birth through adolescence. Body system chapters begin with fetal development and take you through the key developmental stages of childhood. This edition features new sections with Telehealth Tips and Considerations for Special Populations in many chapters, as well as expanded coverage of maltreatment, mental health, and social disparities of health. Expert guidance for the pediatric physical exam employs the "quiet-to-active" approach, starting with the listening parts of the physical exam and moving on to the hands-on components, the physical assessment approach that yields the best results in the pediatric age group. Quick-reference features include special tables/boxes, such as Information Gathering, Conditions, Pediatric Pearls, Red Flags, Interprofessional Collaboration Notes, Evidence-Based Practice, and EHR Documentation. Easy-to-use layout provides quick access to concise guidance for the pediatric physical exam. Richly illustrated, full-color format facilitates readability and learning with more than 300 photos and line drawings of assessment techniques and common assessment findings. Inclusive and ethnically diverse illustrations better represent the diverse populations pediatric health care providers work with every day. NEW! Telehealth Tips section added to chapters reflects the greatly expanded use of telehealth visits in clinical practice. NEW! Information on maltreatment, mental and behavioral health, and social determinants of health explored throughout the chapters. NEW! Considerations for special needs populations added to most chapters. NEW! Guidance on use of screen time for early childhood and advice for families.

Author Duderstadt, Karen G.
Pages 416
Year 2024
ISBN 9780323831550
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 4/e
Weight 610 g
Dimensions 16.26 x 22.86 x 1.27 cm
Binding Spiral-Bound