Potter and Perry’s Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures: 10ed


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Potter and Perry’s Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures: 10ed

Put essential nursing skills and procedures at your fingertips! Based on Potter & Perry's bestselling textbook Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, this pocket guide provides quick access …

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Potter and Perry’s Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills and Procedures: 10ed

Put essential nursing skills and procedures at your fingertips! Based on Potter & Perry's bestselling textbook Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, this pocket guide provides quick access to 83 key nursing skills in a convenient, A-to-Z format. Step-by-step instructions include full-color photos plus rationales explaining why and how to use specific techniques, and also suggest nursing interventions for potential complications. The book’s portable size and spiral binding make it an ideal companion during clinical rotations. Reflecting the latest in evidence-based practice, this study tool and clinical reference helps you perform core nursing skills safely and effectively.

New to this edition:

NEW! New skills are added and all skills throughout the book are updated to match the latest evidence-based practice, guidelines, and standards — ensuring safe, effective performance of skills.

Key Features:
  • Authoritative content is based on and matches Perry, Potter, Ostendorf & Laplante’s Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, 10th Edition, making this book ideal as a quick, handy skills reference for information in the core text.
  • A-to-Z organization of skills makes it easy to find information quickly, with each skill beginning on a new page.
  • Clear, step-by-step instructions include the purpose for performing each skill, guidelines to help in delegating tasks to assistive personnel, lists of required equipment, and full-color photographs and drawings.
  • Concise two-column format for skills includes rationales for each step, providing the "what" and the "why" for performing the steps of each skill.
  • Unexpected Outcomes / Related Interventions provide troubleshooting information for common problems that may develop when performing a skill and also recommend appropriate actions.
  • Safety Alerts within the skills highlight important information for patient safety and effective performance of the skill.
  • Special Considerations address teaching, home care settings, and pediatric and geriatric patients, describing the risks or accommodations needed when caring for patients in these populations.
  • Gloving logo within the skills steps identifies circumstances in which clean gloves should be worn or gloves should be changed before proceeding to the next step of the skill.
  • Documentation guidelines provide bulleted lists of what should be reported and recorded in the patient records.
  • Convenient pocket-size format includes a back-cover flap for bookmarking and spiral binding, allowing the book to lay flat and stay open on the page being referenced.
Author Potter, Patricia A.
Year 2023
ISBN 9780323870764
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 10/e
Weight kg
Dimensions x x cm