The Unofficial Guide to Radiology: 2ed


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The Unofficial Guide to Radiology: 2ed

The unique and award-winning Unofficial Guides series is a collaboration between senior students, junior doctors and specialty experts.

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The Unofficial Guide to Radiology: 2ed

The unique and award-winning Unofficial Guides series is a collaboration between senior students, junior doctors and specialty experts. This collective author team understands what is essential to excel on your course, in exams and in practice as well as the importance of presenting information in a clear, fun and engaging way. Packed with hints and tips from those in the know, when you are in a hurry and need a study companion you can trust, reach for an Unofficial Guide.

The Unofficial Guide to Radiology will help you conduct a systematic analysis of all radiological investigations, including X-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine, as well as interventional radiology. It presents each image in the context of a real-life scenario so you can practice your interpretation and compare it to a model report, accompanied by a fully annotated version of the image. Further multiple-choice questions help you relate theory to patient management.

  • This book is ideal for students to test their core knowledge for exams, and also has relevance for postgraduate further education and as a day-to-day reference for professionals.
  • Recommended by the Royal College of Radiologists, with awards from the British Medical Association and the British Institute of Radiology
  • Test your knowledge with over 100 annotated X-rays, illustrated with systematic examples of how to present each one in an exam
  • 300 clinical and radiology-related multiple-choice questions with detailed answers – illustrate how the X-ray findings will influence patient management
  • Covers all commonly used radiology tests including chest, abdominal and orthopaedic X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine, as well as interventional radiology
  • Structured for relevance to clinical practice, with sample images related to real-life scenarios
Author Qureshi, Zeshan
Year 2023
ISBN 9780443109140
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 2/e
Weight 490 g
Dimensions 22.23 x 27.94 x 2.54 cm
Binding Paperback