Accident and Emergency: Theory into Practice 3ed


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Accident and Emergency: Theory into Practice 3ed

Suitable for emergency nurses, covering the range of emergency care issues, including trauma management and trauma care, the lifespan, psychological issues, physiology for practice, practice and professional issues, this book is about more than what a nurse should do; it is about why it should be done, leading to sustainable and safer practice.

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NPR 9,995.00

  • Author
  • Pages
  • Pages 608
  • Year
  • ISBN
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  • Edition
  • Weight
  • Dimensions
  • Binding
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Accident and Emergency: Theory into Practice 3ed

Suitable for emergency nurses, covering the range of emergency care issues, including trauma management and trauma care, the lifespan, psychological issues, physiology for practice, practice and professional issues, this book is about more than what a nurse should do; it is about why it should be done, leading to sustainable and safer practice.

About the Author

Director of award-winning health services consultancy since 2001 (Health Service 360) Author/editor of eight books on emergency nursing/leadership/education Work in UK, NZ, Australia and Ireland undertaking whole systems and leadership/culture change Visiting Prof of Nursing, Oxford Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Research (OxINMAHR) Honorary Prof of Leadership in Healthcare, Salford University Originator of both #EndPJparalysis and #Last1000days social movements to value patients' time and safety

Author Dolan, Brian
Pages 608
Year 2013
ISBN 9780702043154
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 6/e
Weight 1.58 kg
Dimensions 22.86 x 27.94 x 3.18 cm
Binding Paperback
Imprint Bailliere Tindall