The Dry Eye: A Practical Approach 1ed


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The Dry Eye: A Practical Approach 1ed

This invaluable text covers the successful management of dry eye conditions very succinctly and in a way relevant for the modern practitioner or student. Setting goals and treatment objectives, and brimming with sound practical advice, it adopts a clinical decision-making approach to the subject.

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NPR 11,618.00

  • Author
  • Pages
  • Pages 104
  • Year
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
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  • Edition
  • Weight
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  • Binding
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The Dry Eye: A Practical Approach 1ed

This invaluable text covers the successful management of dry eye conditions very succinctly and in a way relevant for the modern practitioner or student. Setting goals and treatment objectives, and brimming with sound practical advice, it adopts a clinical decision-making approach to the subject. Management and treatment options are prioritized and evidence-based. An essential pocket reference for all students and practitioners treating dry eye conditions including ophthalmologists, optometrists, dispensing opticians, ophthalmic nurses and all those involved in the management of these challenging conditions.

  • Clear discussions explain how to set priorities and establish guidelines for treatment based on the patient's presenting symptoms.
  • No other book presents a succinct, practical guide to treatment and successful management of dry eye.
  • All factors that can cause dry eye conditions are addressed, looking beyond the most common contact lens complications to factors such as disease, the environment, and equipment worn by the patient.
  • Clinically relevant approach makes this unique resource extremely useful in the patient-care setting.
  • Practical advice outlines succinct methods for the most effective management of dry eye conditions.
  • Comprehensive information is presented in a quick-reference, synoptic format that's convenient and easy-to-use.
  • Well-referenced chapters present evidence-based information and point to original sources for further research and investigation.
  • Both common and severe dry eye conditions are covered, prioritized so clinicians can see the treatment implications associated with each.
  • Clear illustrations and line diagrams show key visual concepts and help readers see the real-world clinical applications.
Author Patel, Sudi
Pages 104
Year 2003
ISBN 9780750649780
Publisher Elsevier
Language English
Edition 1/e
Weight 280 g
Dimensions 18.45 x 25.1 x 0.64 cm
Binding Paperback
Imprint Butterworth-Heinemann