Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (Two Vol Set), 10th SAE


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Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (Two Vol Set), 10th SAE

Provides uniquely authoritative and readable coverage, ideal for usage or specialty Board preparation, as well as for course work.

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  • Pages 1492
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  • Height (cm)
  • Subject(s)
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Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (Two Vol Set), 10th SAE

Provides uniquely authoritative and readable coverage, ideal for usage or specialty Board preparation, as well as for course work. Covers the hot topics you need to know about, including novel therapies for hepatitis C, classification of lymphomas, unfolded protein response, non-apoptotic pathways of cell death, coronavirus infections, liquid biopsy for cancer detection, regulation of iron Absorption, clonal hematopoiesis and atherosclerosis, thrombotic microangiopathies, heparin-induced thrombocytopenias, inflammatory myopathies, genetic tools for treatment of cystic fibrosis, and many more. Uses an outstanding full-color, user-friendly design to simplify your study and quickly direct you to the information you need to know, with learning features such as boldface overviews at the beginning of each section, key concepts boxes, suggested readings, schematic diagrams that illustrate complex concepts, and new gross and microscopic figures for clarity of morphology. Brings you up to date with the latest information in molecular and genetic testing, mechanisms of disease, personalized medicine and its impact on treatment of human diseases, The role of microbiome and metabolome in noncommunicable diseases, and much more. New to the edition from South Asia - neoplasia infectious diseases diseases of white blood cells, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus red blood cell and bleeding disorders the lung head and neck the gastrointestinal tract liver and gallbladder the kidney the breast the endocrine system The skin the central nervous system The eye transfusion medicine.

Author Kumar
Pages 1492
Year 2020
ISBN 9788131262115
Publisher RELX, India
Language English
Edition 10/e, SAE
Weight 3.2 kg
Dimensions 14 x 22 x 1.5 cm
Binding Paperback
Length (cm) 11
Width (cm) 8.5
Height (cm) 2.5
Subject(s) Pathology
Imprint Elsevier