Perioperative Safety: 1ed
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Ships from Overseas
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Moderate Sedationalgesia: Core Competencies for Practice 2ed
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Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia: A Question and Answer Approach 1ed
NPR 11,552.00 NPR 12,835.00 11552.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Handbook of Anesthesia: 5ed
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Current Anesthesia Practice: Evaluation and Certification Review 1ed
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Certification Review for PeriAnesthesia Nursing: 4ed
NPR 9,292.00 NPR 10,324.00 9292.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Case Studies in Nurse Anesthesia: 1ed
NPR 10,422.00 NPR 11,579.00 10422.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Alexander's Care of the Patient in Surgery: 17ed
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Drain's PeriAnesthesia Nursing: A Critical Care Approach 8ed
NPR 14,314.00 NPR 15,904.00 14314.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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