Drugs for the Heart, 1/e, SAE (Adaptation)

Author: Mardikar
Edition: 1/e, SAE
ISBN: 9788131234624
Language: English
Published: 2014
Publisher: Elsevier, India

This South Asia edition of the market-leading cardiac drug resource presents drug and disease scenarios apt for this region. It provides in-depth information on every drug class used to treat heart disease..........

Drugs for the Heart, 1/e, SAE (Adaptation)


This South Asia edition of the market-leading cardiac drug resource presents drug and disease scenarios apt for this region. It provides in-depth information on every drug class used to treat heart disease, including the popular "Which Drug for Which Disease" chapter - equipping the practitioners to make effective clinical decisions.

Key Features

  • Navigate the latest pharmacologic advances through coverage of the newest drugs and drug classes, as well as all the latest clinical trial results and evidence.
  • Effectively manage comorbid diseases.
  • Apply international insights—thanks to new global contributors.
  • Visualize key pharmacologic and physiologic actions—thanks to dynamic new full-color drawings.