Oral Pathology: Clinical Pathologic Correlations, 1st SAE

Author: Regezi
Edition: 1st SAE
ISBN: 9788131246603
Language: English
Published: 2016
Publisher: Elsevier, India

Presents diseases and conditions by appearance and presentation, so that you can easily identify and plan treatment for common oral and paraoral problems.

Oral Pathology: Clinical Pathologic Correlations, 

1st SAE


Presents diseases and conditions by appearance and presentation, so that you can easily identify and plan treatment for common oral and paraoral problems. An atlas-style overview of pathologic conditions opens the book, and then each chapter describes pathologies in detail — depicting each with full-color clinical photos and photomicrographs. In addition to covering the latest advances in oral pathology, this edition includes new radiographic images demonstrating advanced imaging techniques.

Nearly 1,000 full-color clinical photographs, photomicrographs, radiographs, and drawings help you learn to identify lesions and disease states.

An atlas-style Clinical Overview section makes it easy to find key information, with one page showing clinical photos of common conditions and the facing page listing symptoms, causes, and significance.

Nearly 200 summary boxes and tables offer clear, at-a-glance information on the clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment for many conditions.

Correlation of histopathology with clinical features of oral diseases assists the clinician in recognizing specific conditions and developing differential diagnoses and rational treatment approaches."