Mosby's Drug Guide for Nursing Students: 16ed
NPR 6,329.00 NPR 7,032.00 6329.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set: 22ed
NPR 23,121.00 NPR 25,689.00 23121.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Netter's Essential Physiology: 3ed
NPR 9,041.00 NPR 10,045.00 9041.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Neumann’s Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: 4ed
NPR 15,759.00 NPR 17,509.00 15759.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Ocular Pathology: 9ed
NPR 47,533.00 NPR 52,814.00 47533.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets: 4ed
NPR 8,137.00 NPR 9,041.00 8137.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians: 4ed
NPR 12,400.00 NPR 13,777.00 12400.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Physical Diagnosis of Pain: 5ed
NPR 27,771.00 NPR 30,856.00 27771.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Primary Care: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice 7ed
NPR 22,992.00 NPR 25,546.00 22992.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Head and Neck Cancer Patients: 1ed
NPR 17,695.00 NPR 19,661.00 17695.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Psychiatry: An Illustrated Colour Text 3ed
NPR 5,166.00 NPR 5,740.00 5166.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Rapid Review Pathology: 6ed
NPR 8,654.00 NPR 9,615.00 8654.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Resnick's Bone and Joint Imaging: 4ed
NPR 43,400.00 NPR 48,222.00 43400.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Safe Care in Paediatrics: 1ed
NPR 7,233.00 NPR 8,036.00 7233.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN® Examination: 9ed
NPR 8,266.00 NPR 9,184.00 8266.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2025: 1ed
NPR 5,425.00 NPR 6,027.00 5425.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Sectional Anatomy by MRI and CT: 5ed
NPR 44,821.00 NPR 49,801.00 44821.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Self-Assessment in Dermatology: Questions and Answers 2ed
NPR 12,916.00 NPR 14,351.00 12916.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Deformation: 5ed
NPR 12,916.00 NPR 14,351.00 12916.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Ships from Overseas
Stevens & Lowe's Human Histology: 6ed
NPR 9,300.00 NPR 10,333.00 9300.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Stories in Chronic Illness and Disability: Reflection, Inquiry, Action 1ed
NPR 8,396.00 NPR 9,328.00 8396.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy: 11ed
NPR 29,321.00 NPR 32,578.00 29321.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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The Human Body in Health & Disease - Softcover: 8ed
NPR 10,850.00 NPR 12,055.00 10850.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Ships from Overseas
Ships from Overseas
Ships from Overseas
Ships from Overseas
Ships from Overseas
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The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Urinary System, Volume 5: 3ed
NPR 12,916.00 NPR 14,351.00 12916.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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The Neuro-Ophthalmology Survival Guide: 3ed
NPR 8,008.00 NPR 8,897.00 8008.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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The Unofficial Guide to Surgery: Core Operations: 2ed
NPR 6,458.00 NPR 7,175.00 6458.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Urgent Care Medicine Secrets: 2ed
NPR 6,458.00 NPR 7,175.00 6458.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Volpe's Neurology of the Newborn: 7ed
NPR 27,125.00 NPR 30,138.00 27125.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Wheater's Functional Histology, International Edition: 7ed
NPR 4,392.00 NPR 4,879.00 4392.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Wheater's Functional Histology: 7ed
NPR 10,850.00 NPR 12,055.00 10850.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Workbook for Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy: 11ed
NPR 15,499.00 NPR 17,221.00 15499.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Civetta, Taylor & Kirby's Manual of Critical Care
NPR 4,176.00 NPR 4,639.00 4176.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, Correlations, 8/e
NPR 3,060.00 NPR 3,400.00 3060.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Handbook of Dialysis, 5/e
NPR 2,376.00 NPR 2,639.00 2376.0 NPR (10% OFF)
Handbook of Kidney Transplantation 6/e
NPR 2,304.00 NPR 2,559.00 2304.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Kaplan & Sadock's Concise Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
NPR 2,160.00 NPR 2,399.00 2160.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Kaplan & Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry, 6/e
NPR 2,304.00 NPR 2,559.00 2304.0 NPR (10% OFF)
Manual of Emergency Medicine, 6/e
NPR 2,304.00 NPR 2,559.00 2304.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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Marino's The Little ICU Book 2/e
NPR 1,872.00 NPR 2,079.00 1872.0 NPR (10% OFF)
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